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Dec 27, 2018

No one has a total grip on events in their life that will direct them to the goals they forecast and hope to later achieve. Sometimes, being at the right place at the right time can be a blind gift that points a person in directions he or she may have never dreamt of.

This episode I am happy to sit down in the Taipei...

Dec 16, 2018

While living outside of your home nation, regardless of the reason why, you may one day find yourself looking for ways to remain functional, creative and useful. Because of this fact, and to get the most out of your overseas experience, it becomes of the upmost importance to prioritize the elements that make up...

Nov 27, 2018

Before traveling or living overseas, many foreign nationals mindset carries a perception that their home nation encompasses all the best things and conveniences in life. Sometimes, however, this isn't the case. In some second and third world nations many foreign nationals quickly discover that their second or third...

Oct 7, 2018

As an educator in Taiwan I get to interact with a lot of friends and students from different backgrounds. Many of them go abroad for business, to sightsee or continue their education. A few of them have even decided to permanently live abroad to start a new life chapter. They obtained, both positive and negative,...

Sep 26, 2018

We are happy to sit down for a chat with a German expat world traveler who is at the time of this episode residing in the United States. Katharina Von Knobloch, who has vast experience in the corporate world as a marketing and business development manager, spends time with us from Chicago, Illinois to talk about...