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Dec 7, 2020

#Blaxit #Blaxodus #AfricanAmerican #Saviorcomplex

Part 1: Please give what I present some thought because I am sure my observations will upset a few of you. I would like to discuss if Blaxit is the only solution African Americans should embrace to solve their problems today in American and may later encounter in the...

Dec 7, 2020

#blacklivesmatter #blm #culturalrevolution It seems like history always finds a way to repeat itself. However, the way it is repeating itself in America could lead to uncontrollable circumstances that could easily or eventually lead to its demise. America

Nov 2, 2020

China sought to use the name of its legendary philosopher to project the image of honesty and morality. However, let' take a look at how education has been used by the Chinese Communist Party as a dividing line to separate and control the thinking of freethinking societies.



Jan 27, 2020

I am aware that this is a sensitive topic. So let me explain why I say being black in Asia isn't for the weak-minded and why we all have a part to play to make situations better for not only ourselves but for others as well.

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